Friday, March 12, 2010

Why solar and why now?

The Coachella Valley and most of Southern California is blessed with an abundant amount of sunshine. According to Wikipedia "Los Angeles enjoys plenty of sunshine throughout the year, with an average of 320 sunshine days". That much sunshine combined with the heat that C.V. residents experience during the summer. Getting up to 120 degrees during the day and not dropping much below 90 degrees at night, which translates to very high electrical usage. This combination of high utility rates and uninterrupted sunlight is the perfect equation for solar photovoltaic production.

Southern California Edison and the other major utility companies are currently running a uncontrolled residential power purchase agreement. Where the customers have no control over what their rates are and how much they will pay for power. By going solar, high utility paying customers are able to eliminate or significantly reduce the amount charged by their utility companies. One company that sees this opportunity and is giving customers another option to high rates is SunRun. SunRun is a controllable residential power purchase agreement where the customer can lock in a low rate for 18 years without having to worry about maintenance, insurance or warranty. SunRun customers buy back the power that is made from the solar panels on their roof rather than making a lease payment like other solar companies.

HelioPower and SunRun have teamed up in California and are offering amazingly low rates. Lock in rates as low as current baseline rates. Which for Coachella Valley residents means savings of up to $200 per month or more!

With the current rebates and incentives available from the state (almost 20%) and the federal government (30%) there is no better time to go solar than right now. Take advantage of low solar panel prices while the rebates are still available. Once the rebates run out they are gone for good. The question is when do you want to start saving. The sooner you go solar the sooner you will start saving on your utility bills.

Call today for your free solar site evaluation with HelioPower - Matt McPherson - 760-272-0131

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